
Second Edition

Bring Life into your classroom!

  • Texte zu aktuellen, globalen Themen
  • Außergewöhnliche Bilder und Videos
  • Umfangreiche und detaillierte Aufgaben
  • Memory Booster zur Stärkung der Kreativität und des Ausdrucks
  • Digitale Produkte als eCodes unter

Weitere Informationen

Connect with the world and bring your classroom to life

Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners.

Through stunning National Geographic content, video, and engaging topics, Life inspires a generation of informed decisionmakers. With Life, learners develop their ability to think critically and communicate effectively in the global community.

  • An extensive Critical Thinking syllabus encourages learners to develop well-informed opinions.
  • Updated and relevant content through National Geographic photographs and video engages learners by connecting them to people and places from around the world.
  • New „My Life“ sections help learners explore the connections between the content and their own lives.

The following new and updated features of the second edition of Life are based on extensive research and consultation with teachers and learners from around the world:

  • Updated global content in the unit themes and reading selections
  • Updated video material featuring additional video support for vocabulary learning
  • New, specially selected National Geographic photography stimulates learners’ visual literacy skills
  • Extended and better-integrated critical thinking syllabus actively engages students in their language learning, encouraging them to develop their own well-informed and reasoned opinions
  • A refined grammar syllabus with increased scaffolding and an enhanced reference section
  • New „Memory Booster“ activities improve students' ability to retain new language
  • Improved Classroom Presentation Tool now includes the Workbook pages, academic skills worksheets, extra support, and extension activities

Wortlisten zu Life - Second Edition:

National Geographic Learning – Sample Links 

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