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Welcome to the GER-Placement Tests from Cornelsen! 


The GER-Placement Tests from Cornelsen are not exams. Instead they should help you evaluate the level of your own language abilities and choose an appropriate language course. Spend 20 minutes taking the tests now instead of wasting more time in the wrong course.

With the Placement Tests you can test your German, English, French and Spanish skills easily and for free. The German as a foreign language tests can be displayed in English or Turkish instead of German if required.

The tests have been developed within the guidelines of the Common European Framework (GER in German). Every college or language school will be able to comprehend the results and thereby offer you the appropriate course for your requirements. Appealing test tasks enable you, in just a few clicks, to discover how you can make yourself understood in various situations.

At the end of every test you receive a personal recommendation document (PDF) written in German which you can take to your local college or language school.

Please give your full name so that a personal recommendation document (PDF) including your test results can be written upon completion.

If you would like to take the test for German as a Foreign Language, select Deutsch als Fremdsprache under “Test options” in the selection menu. Then enter your current level in this language under “Test level”, also in the selection menu.

The GER-Placement Tests from Cornelsen consist of reading and listening tasks and assess your ability to make yourself understood in various situations. The interactive nature of the tasks ensures a smooth completion of the tests and encourages the motivation to learn more.

At the end of every test level you will be asked if you would like to evaluate the test you have just completed. By clicking on OK you will end the test and receive your recommendation document as a PDF-document to print out. The recommendation gives you information about your current language level and allows you to find the appropriate course at a language course of your choice.

On achieving a good result, you will be given the option to take the test at the next level. Upon successful completion of this test you will receive an updated reference document recommending a higher-level language course.

The Common European Framework (GER in German) aims to provide a common basis for all aspects of language learning and teaching at all levels, in all educational situations and for all age-groups in all European member-states.

Most people find it difficult to describe how well they speak another language. Details of school grades, time or intensity of language instruction give only a slight indication of actual language competence. It is upon this basis that the Council of Europe defined different performance levels to create a uniform system which facilitates transparency and allows comparisons to be made.

The language levels are skills orientated. They measure the performance of the learner at a particular level (Can Do Statements), not their knowledge.

To complete the placement tests we recommend a browser comparable to Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. A current version of a PDF-Viewer is also required (Adobe Reader).

The tests are designed for optimal performance in a pop-up window, therefore any pop-up blockers should be deactivated. Also, please make sure that your sound is working to ensure the full performance of the tests.

Please note that the placement tests can only be completed online. It is not possible to download the tests and complete them off-line.